Larisse Kelly

Adult Piano Lessons

Sunday, July 29, 2018 by Larisse Kelly | Uncategorized

Ever wanted to learn piano and never did? Or maybe you did learn piano and then stopped and wish to pick it up again. For whatever reason, more and more adults are taking piano lessons later in life. I currently have 10 adult piano students ranging from in their early 20's to in their 70's! Levels vary from complete beginner to 7th grade. 

Great reasons to take up piano lessons:

* personal development/enrichment

* make use of the piano you have had sitting in your home for years

* be able to assist your children who are learning piano

* improve your motor skills and co-ordination

* improve memory skills

* keep your brain sharp

* for the enjoyment of music itself!

Have a read of the article below by the National Geographic:

Your Aging Brain Will Be in Better Shape If You've Taken Music Lessons

Here is a scholarly article on Effects of music learning and piano practice on cognitive function, mood and quality of life in older adults